The regional association of croquet clubs in Yorkshire
The Federation shall be named the Yorkshire Croquet Federation. Its object is to promote the sport of croquet in the Yorkshire Region. The Federation shall be run under the auspices of Croquet England.
The Committee of the Federation shall be Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Coaching Officer(s), Handicapping Officer(s), Development Officer(s), League Manager(s) and Website Manager(s).
The Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting each year and shall hold office until the next AGM, but shall be eligible for re-election.
The duties of the Officers shall be as follows :
The Chairman shall chair meetings of the Federation and be generally responsible for its activities. The Chairman should hold a casting vote in the event of a tie.
The Secretary shall keep minutes of all Federation meetings.
The Treasurer shall keep accounts of the Federation, be responsible for all monies belonging, due or payable to the Federation, and shall present to the AGM an annual statement of accounts
The Coaching Officer(s) shall organise coaching courses for new and existing clubs, and shall assist potential and qualified coaches.
The League Manager(s) shall be responsible for all League competitions run under the auspices of the Federation.
The Development Officer(s) shall encourage of all forms of croquet within the Federation, support new clubs and facilitate grant applications.
The Handicapping Officer(s) shall oversee a consistent standard of players’ handicaps within the Federation and support Club Handicappers.
The Website Manager(s) shall maintain the Federation website.
Membership shall be open to all Croquet Clubs or Croquet Sections of Clubs within the Region or nearby who are affiliated to Croquet England. Registration shall be by application to the Secretary/Treasurer and payment of the current subscription.
There shall be an Annual General Meeting each year. Extra meetings may be called at the joint discretion of the Chairman and the Secretary, or at the written request of at least three Secretaries of registered clubs.
Each registered Club shall be entitled to send one voting representative to attend meetings. Other interested persons may attend in a non-voting capacity.
The subscription to the Federation shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting and be due for immediate payment to the Treasurer. Any club failing to pay within one calendar month of this meeting may be deemed to be no longer a Federation member.
A quorum shall consist of one third of club representatives.
Motions shall be duly proposed and seconded. A simple majority shall be sufficient to carry a motion, except as specified under 4g) below. In the event of a tie, the chairman of the meeting may exercise a casting vote.
Notices of motions to amend the Constitution or to wind up the Federation shall be sent to the Secretaries of all clubs at least fourteen days before the meeting at which they shall be put.
An amendment to the Constitution shall be carried if at least two thirds of those present and entitled to vote are in favour.
If there ceases to be the need for the continuing existence of the Federation, it shall be formally wound up on the written agreement of a simple majority of member clubs. The Secretary of Croquet England shall be informed and all assets that remain after the discharge of liabilities sent to the aforementioned for disposal.
The original Constitution was agreed 19th April, 1990.
‘and Humberside’ was altered at the meeting of 4th March,2001 and no longer used after 1st January, 2002.
This amendment was agreed 29th November, 2015 and came into force 1st January, 2016.
This amendment was agreed 19th March 2023 and tweaked for 17 March 2024 to reflect CqE wording.