This news item has been superseded by the Federation events 2024 page [07Aug24].
Date | Day | Event | Cost | Code | Manager | Director | Details |
19 Apr | Fri | Charity One-Ball | Suggest £10 pp | – | Debbie James | Debbie James | Cash on day + giftaid |
25 May | Sat | SC Teams | £32 / team | YSC | Philip Jay | Philip Jay | Short Croquet, teams of 4 |
19 Jun | Wed | GC Level Play Doubles | £16 / pair | YGCD | Lionel Stock | Eugene Chang | Doubles |
7 Jul | Sun | Advantage GC ‘team’ | £6 | RA | Ted Flexman | Eugene Chang | At Ripon Spa Singles/Doubles following standard YCF match format with scratch teams |
10 Jul | Wed | GC Level Play | £16 | YGCS | Anna Giraud | Eugene Chang | Singles Asst Mngr: Aileen Hingston |
24 Jul | Wed | GC Restricted Doubles | £16 / pair | BMD | John Feeny | Eugene Chang | At Bishop Monkton Joint h/c 10+ |
21 Aug | Wed | GC C-Level Singles | £16 | BMS | John Feeny | Eugene Chang | At Bishop Monkton H/c 7+ |
31 Aug – 1 Sep | Sat Sun | AC Full Lawn | £16 / day | YACF | Philip Jay | Philip Jay | One day entry permitted |
Events at York CC unless otherwise stated
For season – long Fed leagues – see
How to enter:
- Use the Google Form to book a place (except Charity OB – contact Debbie directly)
- Allocation date: 6 weeks before event
- Default to CqE allocation criteria (replacing ‘Croquet England Subscriber’ in Priority Group 2 to ‘Member of YCF Club’) unless stated in Special Event Conditions below
- Closing date: 2 weeks before event
- Entries before allocation date are considered to have the same entry date; entries thereafter accepted in order of receipt.
- Late entries accepted at managers discretion.
- Allocation date: 6 weeks before event
- Key contacts:
- YCF Treasurer (Aileen Hingston
- Tournament managers (in event order)
- Debbie James
- Philip Jay
- Lionel Stock
- Ted Flexman
- Anna Giraude
- John Feeny
- If you have been notified that your entry is accepted, make a payment to secure your place. BACS transfer preferred:
- Name: Y&H Croquet Federation
- Sortcode: 09-01-51
- Account number 29781304
- Use event code (code column) + player surname as reference
- Event special conditions:
- The CqE Allocation criteria wording is adopted for all events, replacing ‘Croquet England Subscriber’ in Priority Group 2 to ‘Member of YCFClub’
- Short Croquet Team Tournament:
- Team or individual entries accepted
- If oversubscribed at allocation:
- Priority Group 1: Teams that are in the YCF SC League
- Priority Group 2: Other full teams
- Priority Group 3: Part teams and individuals
Other CA Fixtures Calendar events at YCF clubs
8/9 Jun – York – Heart of Yorkshire AC 18pt (min handicap 6)
20/21 Jun – Huddersfield – Annual Full Lawn Mid – week Open Singles
10/11 Aug – York – White Rose AC Advanced
7/8 Sep – York – Viking challenge Short Croquet Singles
Misc events
Inter fed – TBC
intra fed – TBC